The Crucible Project Podcast

Deb Gustafson: Sexual and Spiritual Abuse

The Crucible Project

Deb Gustafson shares with podcast host Joy Dunning about her journey through sexual and spiritual abuse that has driven her mission to create a world where every survivor is believed and supported for as long as it takes. Deb reports on Crucible’s impact on her healing journey and the power of soul work in recovery. She reports her desire for every pastor or church leader who notices abuse temptation to go through the Crucible Project retreat to prevent sexual and spiritual abuse. She also encourages survivors to courageously speak the truth and begin their healing journey through a trauma-informed therapist, Crucible group or retreat experience, or to the national abuse hotline 866-656-4673. She shares her efforts through Godly Responses to Abuse in Christian Environments and Crucible to prevent abuse and develop trauma-informed responses to survivors of abuse.

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  • Radical honesty and grace
  • Spiritual growth
  • Discipleship
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  • Personal development
  • Life transformation
  • Christian men's ministry
  • Christian women's ministry
  • Faith-based retreat

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